Our Donors
We are so fortunate to live in a community that so generously supports its hospital. Each gift to the Moose Jaw Health Foundation is greatly appreciated. Our donors are making a difference. Only with the support of our donors these initiatives have been made possible.
Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
The new state-of-the-art ICU was only made possible with the help of Moose Jaw Health Foundation donors. The new ICU features private rooms with negative pressure ventilation systems. This ensures a safe healing environment for the hospitals most critically ill patients.
Digital Mammography
Patients now have another weapon in the battle against breast cancer with the new digital mammography unit at the Moose Jaw Union Hospital. This cutting edge technology produces a digital image with superior resolution and image quality. Because the images are archived on a computer system, they can be quickly and easily retrieved, improving consultation between specialists in different locations.
Laparoscopic Surgery
The new high definition laparoscopic surgical towers cameras and minimally invasive instruments allow surgeons to locate and remove even the smallest of cancers. Laparoscopic equipment allows patients to go home sooner, get back to your daily routine faster, have less chance of post-operative infection, less scarring, less pain – these are the benefits of laparoscopic surgery. This amazing technology was only made possible with the generosity of Foundation donors.
Labour and Delivery
The birth of a new child is one of the most wonderful experiences in life, but sometimes complications can occur. Now with the help of Moose Jaw Health Foundation there are many more bright smiles on the face of new parents in the Women’s Health Unit. Foundation donors helped purchase new Panda beds. These specially designed to be the most baby friendly, micro environments available today. They utilize a state-of-the-art design to create an unsurpassed warm, healing environment that is especially important for babies who need extra special care or emergency intervention - when every second counts.
Colorectal Cancer Surgical Equipment
Colorectal cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Saskatchewan, and the second leading cause of death from cancer in the province. One in 14 men and one in 16 women will develop colorectal cancer in their lifetime. Donations to the Health Foundation helped purchase a new digital endoscopy processor and light source to provide the surgical team with an unprecedented ability to detect cancer. Foundation donors have given surgical teams with the medical tools they need to offer the best care right here at our own hospital, and give patients a fighting chance to beat this colorectal cancer.